07 Mar

The video dedication is a far cry from this seemingly endless series of faded photos on the wall that you would have completed today on your grandparents' 50th anniversary.

Modern editing software including Photoshop and Final Cut Pro, as well as the ability to combine audio and video as well as photos and documents - not to mention text and music - are a great addition to the event. Here are some ideas on how to make a Video Wall.

Well, the title of this article is a joke with a very bad taste. However, the video is not only honored by memorial services. On occasions such as birthdays or anniversaries - or even the end of adolescence - we offer the opportunity to honor a person with a multimedia presentation. So, what are the seven secrets to honoring a wonderful and amazing video?

1. Make them want more: In tribute Video Wall play less is always more. It's better to let the audience run the show longer - than watch it crawl on the walls or get off.

How long is a slide show? The best shed is the best in less than ten minutes. Top ten to fifteen minutes. Each image should be on screen for more than 5 or 6 seconds on average; Any video should be about 20 seconds or less.

2. Let Your Property Work: An introductory video is meant to celebrate life, maybe a couple, maybe a sports team, or even an event - so let's make our photos work. Make sure the image and / or video is in good condition, which means that you have selected focused images, and make sure you have made all the appropriate contrast and saturation adjustments in your photo and Video Wall program.

The spectacular changes and graphics are not okay, but don't let them end there. Let your business assets be the focus. As a general rule of thumb, if your audience mentions changes (as opposed to slides), they may be very severe.

3. Mix it up: First, think through all the possible elements to include: photos, videos, graphics, titles, narrative text, inspirational text, sound or narration, clip samples, sound effects, closing credits (incl.), Etc. A good video greeting will be diverse.

Then change the speed and frequency of displaying them: each image should be no longer than 6 seconds. If you have a really great shot, take a moment - maybe with a slow touch. Speed up things if you have a series of repeated photos. Think about starting fast, decelerating in the middle and then speeding up.

4. Getting started with the slut: The most popular videos are played at a large audience event. This means that not everyone cares when you start a holiday slideshow. People will end the call, take their last coffee, check their phone messages or whatever. So you will need to give them an audio and visual indication of where things started.

The initial potential can be a simple image with the name of your object or a graphical sequence. It could be a Clarion song. Either or all. But in any case, for the first 15 to 20 seconds, people's eyeballs (ears) should lead to the screen, allowing them to focus. Everything you need should not be for the first 20 seconds.

5. Thanksgiving to the End: There is no better way to stop a discretionary video than to have a text screen (scrolling text works well) and thank all those who have donated time or photos or Who contributed in some way. If you really know what to do with the editing software, you can put this information on one side - the other side, showing the image of the honorable guest. Do you know what I mean?

This last screen (s) is also an opportunity for the last joke. For example, if you took a video, you can apologize to everyone for leaving their best job on the cutting room floor - ha ha!

6. Test Test Drive: In films, they test the final product with focus groups. You should bring together two people - especially some close friends or relatives - for a Video Wall aristavision.com and receive their comments.

Exams can be a good way to avoid false confusion, such as too many first-wife photos or too few stepchildren. You got an idea.

 7. Technology Learning: No matter how many difficulties we encountered, we have compiled a complex picture of human life that Proel could be proud of, and if technology is overturned, all these things will be very bad Lantern? Make sure you have a spare lamp.

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